October 31st, 2004 11:30 am
Brandywine Country Club
When is the last time you took a day just for yourself?
We invite you to join us at the MI/OH Province Fest for a great time with you Kappa Delta sisters. Make new friends
or spend time with sisters you haven't seen in a long time. Don't miss out on this opportunity to renew the bonds of
Kappa Delta sisterhood.
11:30 am - Registration & Silent Auction Opens
12:30 pm - Brunch
1:30 pm - Keynote Speaker, NVP Membership Margaret
Holt Duncan and Program
The White Rose/Emerarld Circle and Founder's Day Ceremony
will also be held.
For more information, please contact Kimberly Shadwick, APP 6 at kshadwick@taubman.com.
November 23rd, 2004 7 pm BGSU
v UT Football - University of Toledo Glass Bowl
Head out to UT to watch BGSU and UT in the battle of
I-75! This event is on your own as many women will be out of town for the Thanksgiving holiday. This is a time
to support the chapters in our area. Email kdtoledo_aa@earthlink.net.
December 7th, 2004 6:30
pm Holiday Party at the home of Deb Conway
We hope you can join us for fun, food and holiday cheer.
Light dinner will be served promptly at 6:30 pm. We are asking that everyone bring the following:
-Two dozen cookies to exchange (bring two dozen, leave with
a mix of two dozen different cookies!)
-Toiletries to donate to the YWCA Battered Women's Shelter
RSVP (or for directions) contact Deb Conway (Daconway1@msn.com) or Jen Hildebrand (jhildebrand@the-trust-company.com) by December 1st.
January 22nd, 2005 7:30 pm Family
Night at the Toledo Storm Hockey Game - Toledo Sports Arena Spend the evening with your family and KD sisters at a Toledo Storm hockey game. Reservations are
now being taken for this family event to be held on Saturday, January 2005 at 7:30 pm. Places must be reserved no later
than December 1st. Once the reservation is received, you will be sent an invoice of the balance owed. No reservations
will be accepted after December 1st.
Regular Ticket Price: $13 Discounted Ticket Price $9
Regular Parking Price: $5
Discounted Parking Price: $4
*NOTE: We must have 20 people to receive the discounted price!
February 26th, 2005
10:00 am Business Meeting/Elections Breakfast at Cafe' Marie in Oregon
Join us for breakfast at Cafe' Marie! We will be holding
a business meeting and elections for the 2005-06 year. If you are interested in holding a position, please
contact kdtoledo_aa@earthlink.net or the officer currently in the position you would like to hold.
March 7th, 2005 International
Badge Day
The 26 member organizations of the National Panhellenic Conference
(NPC) are celebrating International Badge Day, an annual event during which sorority women everywhere honor their Greek affiliations
by wearing their badge or letters. Show your pride and wear your Kappa Delta badge today!
March 22nd,
2005 6 pm Wine Flight at Eileen's Wine Bar (International Park)
Nestled just inside the entrance of the Navy Bistro, Eileen’s
Wine and Martini Bar offers a unique experience. Intimate and relaxing, Eileen’s refined atmosphere likens to
those of fashionable wine-bars usually found only in larger cities such as Chicago, Boston, and New York. A “Flight”
is a taste of four wines that are related to one another by grape varietal, geographic region, or style. Each flight includes
2 ounces of four different wines for you to sample. For those interested, sushi from KotoBuki may also be experienced
at this event. If you are interested in attending, please contact kdtoledo_aa@earthlink.net by February 15th.
April 17th, 2005 11:30
am Spring Luncheon - Location TBD
Join the women of the Toledo AA for our spring luncheon.
We will be honoring Outstanding Seniors from Beta Mu (BGSU) and Beta Nu (UT) chapters. If you are interested in
attending, please contact kdtoledo_aa@earthlink.net for more information.
May, 2005 Family Night
at the Toledo Mud Hens
Spend the evening with your family and KD sisters at a Toledo Mud
Hens baseball game. More information will be available once the Mud Hen's schedule is published.
June 29 - July 3, 2005 National
Start planning now for Kappa Delta's 56th biennial convention
to be held June 29-July 2, 2005 at Crystal Gateway Marriot in Arlington, Virginia. For more information, visit www.kappadelta.org.